‘A Little Piece Of Amy’
Episode ! : How A Book NOT A TV Show Changed My Reality!
Hi everyone! Welcome to ‘A little piece of Amy’ with me Amy Sinha.
I’m a singer/Presenter and Voice Over Artist and I’ve never actually used my voice… until now. I have finally decided to rectify this and created a blog called ‘A little piece of Amy’ - a series of short memorable stories from my life! Being disabled from childhood, I have experienced constant trauma, hardships, anxiety and stress. But I have also experienced a lot of ’funny’, ‘bizarre’ and life altering moments too. So, are you ready to be taken on that journey of fun, growth and exploration with me? Here goes…. :-)
I never used to read much growing up, due to the fact that having cataracts at the age of one left me almost blind. Because of this, I used to avoid reading as much as possible and my parents and teachers at school never pushed me to read because they understood how difficult focusing on the words was for me. I did watch A LOT of television though and I loved all things Sci-fi and Supernatural. But although my mind expanded A LOT watching all these programmes, I never experienced that ‘epiphany’ that I needed.
However, after I graduated from Music College, I started reading all the books I ‘should’ have read and never did. (Why I wanted to read so much at that time of my life is a mystery I still can’t explain to this day). During this time, I also found I loved reading ‘Spiritual’ books. (My mother loved them too and so we already had a lot of those on the shelf. :-))
One of those ‘books on the shelf’ CHANGED MY WHOLE REALITY! A major statement to make I know, but one I feel warrants the magnitude of my what happened next! Now, if someone had said to me in my teens that reading a book would ultimately alter the course of my life, I would have laughed at them. Not in a ‘I find this hilariously funny’ kind of way, but more like a ‘you’re insane’ kind of way. But reading a book did indeed achieve this.
What was this amazing book called you may be wondering?
Well, the book was entitled ‘Conversations with God’ by Neale Donald Walsch. For those of you who have never read or even heard of this book, here’s the cliff notes version. ‘Conversations with God’ is about a man called Neale, who while feeling very low, writes a letter to God. As Neale keeps writing his deep questions, he claims to find that God is answering him and so ‘has a conversation with God’ through automatic handwriting.
And what was so ‘life changing’ about a book that seems like a relatively standard book you tend to see everywhere these days?
For me, this was the first time I had contemplated the notion of ‘creating one’s own reality’. A few years previously my sister had made me watch ‘The Secret’ when it started circulating to the masses. So I was aware of some of the ‘Law Of Attraction’ concepts. I even practiced positive affirmations I read in ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ by Louise Hay, which in case you’re interested, really did help my confidence! :-)
But I never thought about this concept of ‘creating your future’ in any seriousness.
I grew up in an Indian family and my parents were Hindus. The whole concept of ‘Destiny’ and ‘meant to be’ was a very big belief system for me throughout my life. Even though I did love the idea of everything is ‘meant to be’, I found it a very restrictive way of thinking. And this new concept really did make me start to reconsider my ideas and think ‘outside the box’ as it were.
But then how did I create all my disabilities? (my eyesight was the first of many disabilities I encountered over my early years). Surly a child is incapable of such major life occurrences?
I still debate these questions which I haven’t as yet found concrete answers to, but the baby steps, (and they were indeed small-planted seeds), were taken from that moment.
After reading ‘Conversations with God’ I experienced a strange ‘happening’. That night as I finished reading the book, I was ‘playing around’ with some of the passages where God said to Neale something along the lines of ‘ask me anything & I will always answer you’. So, I said out loud ‘God, do you love me?’. I thought it was a ridiculous thing to do, came downstairs and put the tv on. I was channel hopping for a few seconds, then for some reason stopped on a female teacher in a classroom of deaf kids signing. As soon as I landed on the film, the teacher signed to a little girl while speaking what she was signing out loud. She said ‘Amy, we love you!’ Now, I won’t lie, I did get a little freaked out. I looked up and around, said a quick ‘thank you’, switched off the tv and ran back upstairs and hid under the covers. Lol!
Since that moment, I have always had an inner knowing that if I wanted something and I set my mind to it, I could make it happen. However, I didn’t recognise it or even admit it to myself on a conscious level until years later. I am now a Voice Over Artist simply because I decided I was going to become one. This would not have happened if I had not read THAT book. It really is amazing what you can be when you allow your mind to believe it! :-)
Thank you all so much for jumping on board and letting me tell my story. If you would like to ask me a question, have had any similar ‘happenings’ happen to you, or a story you’d just like to share, please get in touch with me via my website, www.amysinha.com, or leave a comment on my social media. Until next time when I’ll be sharing with you how being the size of a fairy altered my life. See you then. :-) xx